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Medical Dermatology

Omega 3 & Acne: Is there a Connection?

Read on to learn more about the connection between Omega-3 fatty acids and acne in our latest blog post.

Medical Dermatology

Vitamin E For Skin Health: What You Need To Know

Vitamin E is a naturally occurring component that contributes to healthy skin. Read on to learn more about the benefits of vitamin E for skin health.

Medical Dermatology

Postpartum Hives: What Every Mother Should Know

Postpartum hives, also known as urticaria, are a common condition that can affect women following pregnancy. Read on to learn more about it.

Medical Dermatology

Diet For Managing Eczema: Foods To Eat & Avoid

Eczema is a chronic condition that causes dry, itchy and inflamed skin. Read on to learn more about managing your diet to control eczema symptoms.

Medical Dermatology

Does Age Affect Your Psoriasis?

Age can influence the onset, progression, and severity of psoriasis. Read on to learn more about how psoriasis affects people across different age groups.

Medical Dermatology

Diet For Managing Your Acne: Foods To Eat & Avoid

Acne develops from blocked and inflamed hair follicles and sebaceous glands. In our blog post, discover which foods to avoid and how to manage acne effectively.